Student playing Foodscape


Das Schweizer Ernährungssystem als Spiel

Client: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Date: May 30, 2021
Services: Research, Game Programming, Game Design, Webservice Development, Web Development

“Foodscape” is a serious game designed to educate students about the Swiss food system. It was developed through a collaborative research project between Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Zurich University of the Arts.

The game enables students to make sustainable dietary choices based on scientific insights into the food system. By considering the consequences of their decisions, students learn that environmentally beneficial choices can sometimes lead to challenges, such as reduced food security.

The project included pilot sessions at various locations to gather feedback and refine the game. Since its release in March 2021, “Foodscape” has been freely available and used in Swiss high schools, vocational schools, and technical colleges. It serves as an interactive introduction to the “Swiss food system” teaching unit, helping students grasp the complexity of the topic. Additionally, teachers can integrate current political issues into the game through class votes, which influence the game’s progression.


René Bauer: Idea & Concept, Institutional Collaboration
Sonja Böckler: Game Design Lead, Visual Design, Project Management
Stefan Schmidlin: Game Development, Web Developement, Game Design of multiplayer and challenge modes, UX Design