Promotional Image by Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel

Mord im Puppenmuseum: Agathe und das Duplikat

'Agatha and the Duplicate' at Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel

Client: Spielkultur GmbH; Spielzeug Welten Museum, Basel
Date: May 31, 2022
Services: Writing, Game Development, Game Design, Testing

Promotional Text from the Museum

Visitors take on the role of the detective Agathe Heubach. She reluctantly accompanies her mother Klara on a visit to the Spielzeug Welten Museum. That morning, Klara has received a stirred letter from Justine, her old doll who now lives on the third floor of the Spielzeug Welten Museum. But when the two women arrive, Justine does not appear at the agreed meeting place. Neither her mother nor Agathe believe the mounting inconsistencies and begin to investigate.

Design Process

The game is based on the Mord im Museum game system. Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel wanted a cozy mystery that would make the puppets in their museum come alive, while also diving into a fantastical dark underworlds of their exhibition. I was responsible for writing a multilinear crime story, designing riddles and overseeing the technical implementation of the app. This process included identifying a route through the exhibition, and identifying puppets and their potential role in the story, as well as overseeing the translation into English and French and the creation of accessible signage in the museum to help players stay on route.

Project Team
Laura Schuppli, Spielkultur GmbH
Client Relations, Game Project Management, Audio Production

Sebastian Tobler, Spielkultur GmbH
Platform Development Management, Business Relations

Stefan Laubenberger
Platform & CMS Developer

Stefan Schmidlin
Narrative Designer & Writer, Game Designer, App Developer

Woman playing 'Murder at the Museum'.
© Henry Balaszekul 2022, courtesy of Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel
Woman playing 'Murder at the Museum'.
© Henry Balaszekul 2022, courtesy of Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel

Release Trailer